COVID-19 Relief Fund - United Way of Wapello County


In times of past crisis, we’ve always risen to the challenge as a nation: growing victory gardens during WWII, raising flags after 9/11, stacking sandbags during floods, sending supplies after Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. 

We are again facing such a crisis, and while we worry about our own futures, we must not forget the people in our community who are already struggling with the financial effects of COVID-19.

According to the Federal Reserve, more than one-third of Americans would be thrown into difficult financial straits by an unexpected expense of $400.

As events are cancelled, sales plummet, and businesses shutter, our neighbors are losing much-needed wages and tips. As schools close, families must choose between expensive child care or cutting hours at work. And children who rely on free- and reduced-price breakfasts and lunches at school risk going hungry. 

That’s why United Way of Wapello County has created the COVID-19 Relief Fund, to shore up food assistance programs, emergency-relief programs, and other community resources that will be strained in the coming weeks and months. 

We ask you now to step up, to embody the community spirit manifest in this country for more than two centuries.

In a time of uncertainty, a gift to the United Way of Wapello County COVID-19 Relief Fund is a gift of hope. 100% of your donation to this fund will go directly to meeting basic needs in Wapello County.

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